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Thursday, August 8, 2002    permalink
Am I Prime or Not?

No, this isn't another one of those net sites that ask you to rate looks, or content, or whatever.

This is a new computer algorithm for determining whether a number is prime (divisible only by itself and 1). Unfortunately the NY Times article doesn't do much to convey why this approach is unique and different ~ not that I'd likely be able to follow it if it did, but still.

It does raise the question what effect this result will have on RSA encryption.It's not clear to me whether this can be used to reverse engineer public keys, or whether it will just guarantee that keys chosen are truly prime. Someone with more math chops than I (almost everyone), feel free to chime in.

2:52:43 PM    please comment []

Today it's Grace...

...tomorrow it's Stephen Byerley (or Roy Batty).

You can read about the first baby steps towards either our Asimovian or Dickian future in this article from the New York Times.

12:23:27 AM    please comment []

Unable to sustain the critique

I figured out the way Mr. K acts with me is not that he is thinking of my old self, but that's the way he acts.

This is really the key. It was all about him, and his own twisted need to play mindgames. I saw that, I had a glimpse of it, but my need for approval and the authority of teacher and adult was ultimately overwhelming.

Mr. K is right, I am selfish, quite a bit more than I realized.

Now I'm thinking about the goofiness around "JG." This guy was a grad student, so in his early 20s. In retrospect, I have little doubt that he enjoyed the heck out of my naive and clumsy flirtation.

12:00:27 AM    please comment []

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Last updated: 11/10/02; 3:08:25 PM.
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