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  Saturday 23 November 2002
Windows (2000) Questions

I have to use Windows 2000 at work most of the time these days. So ... coming from 10 years at Sun and then six years at Apple, I ended up with a few UI questions. I know, the answers to most of these are "You can't." or "Go buy THAT software..." or "No." But I just thought I'd ask ... Maybe someone out there has at least one or two answers that will make me enjoy my time with Windows-2000 a little more.

Priority level: solutions to these questions would be sort of like getting rid of a cloud of gnats that surround me whenever I'm using Windows ... (i.e., not as serious as the swarm of killer bees inside my head whenever I have to help someone figure out a problem in the earlier, non-NT-based versions of Windows).

  1. How can I change the default so that my nearby Printer always assumes that it should print on both sides ?

  2. How can I add my own set of directories into the left half of the "Save As..." panel in IE (or Mozilla) ?

  3. How can I slow down the drag-select scrolling so that it's usable?

  4. How can I stretch a cmd/cygwin window so that it's wider than 80 characters without having to go into the Preferences dialog?

  5. For that matter, is there a usable clone of the System32cmd.exe that does not add a THIRD, incompatible and poorly-engineered way to do copy/paste? (That is, in addition to the X-windows' SECOND incompatible and poorly-engineered way to do copy/paste, and the NORMAL way (control-c/control-v), which was copied from Apple, except for using the wrong modifier key and therefore breaking emacs.)

  6. And speaking of X-windows, is there a usable, reliable replacement for X-Win32 that properly translates the X-selection BOTH WAYS with the Windows clipboard? [X-Win32 has this habit of getting into a state where it cannot paste the Windows clipboard into an X app on Unix.]

  7. Can I remap the keyboard control key shortcuts in Outlook's email message composer/editor so that they act like Emacs' keys? (Ha ha.) Can I at least remap control-W so that it will close a separate message window like it does for EVERY OTHER WINDOW IN EVERY OTHER APP I USE ON MS-WINDOWS?

  8. I can check a box in the right dialog to get Windows to associate XEmacs with a given filename extension; but how to I get it to show up whenever I try to open a file with no filename extension? [I've used Unix since 1975 or 1976; using filenames without dots in them is a habit that's fairly hard to break.]

The folks at work offered some helpful suggestions, and I'll collect and publish the answers to as many of these as I end up finding solutions for. My favorite responses were "Keep dreaming." and one that said how cute it was to see a new Windows user who still clings to a shred of hope of finding some way to make the UI consistent.
5:02:23 PM   comment/     

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