Sunday, February 6, 2005
The first blooms in the 2005 edition of Mrs. Gulch's Moon Garden come from Snowdrops. They've been blooming for over a week now.
3:33:04 PM
2008 Presidential Election
Colorado Pols: "Somehow, we doubt John Edwards, Jeb Bush, Rudy Giuliani or Hillary Clinton would call their possible Presidential bids 'idiotic.' But, honestly, that's why we love Tom Tancredo."
11:06:40 AM
Iraqi Election
In Iraq for 365 "Almusowi joined the U.S. Army when the United States was threatening war against the regime of Saddam Hussein in an effort to give something back."
10:58:09 AM
Social Security
Here's a opinion piece about Social Security, written by U.S. Representative Diana DeGette, from today's Denver Post [February 6, 2005, "Honesty needed on Social Security"]. She writes, "With almost 50 years of solvency ahead of us, we have the time to determine the best way to invest our Social Security dues without engaging in risky schemes or cutting benefits. Unfortunately, President Bush is taking a different approach because he does not believe in the program. He is creating an artificial urgency to help push a solution in search of a problem."
Update: NewMexiKen: "Spendthrift."
6:40:16 AM
© Copyright 2009 John Orr.
Last update: 3/14/09; 7:19:07 PM.