Thursday, April 3, 2008
Political Wire: "Americans are "more dissatisfied with the country's direction" than at any time since the New York Times/CBS News poll began asking about the subject in the early 1990s."
"2008 pres"
8:26:02 PM
Political Wire: "The latest InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion poll in Pennsylvania shows Sen. Hillary Clinton clinging to a 2-point lead over Sen. Barack Obama, 45% to 43% with 12% undecided. With a margin of error of +/- 3.7%, the race is a statistical tie."
TalkLeft: "I miss the debates. It looks like we will get at least one more and probably 2. Hillary Clinton has agreed to a CBS North Carolina debate on April 27, in advance of the state's primary. No final word on whether Obama agreed."
"2008 pres"
6:55:52 PM
Userland servers are down again. They're the hosting service for Coyote Gulch. We're having the same problems upstreaming as yesterday. If you're seeing this things are clearing up.
1:26:08 PM

From The Pueblo Chieftain: "Local coal-bed methane producers are unhappy with a draft of the proposed new oil and gas rules released Monday, even though the document has been scaled down. Pioneer Natural Resources, a methane company and one of Las Animas County's biggest employers, said that while it's still too early to speak on the proposed rules set by the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, the company agrees with comments made Monday by Meg Collins, Colorado Oil & Gas Association president."
More from the article:
The draft, designed to strike a balance between industry and the environment, would bring coal-bed methane well standards in line with certain San Juan Basin standards. Operators would have to try to find all plugged and abandoned wells within one-quarter mile of a proposed well and determine if the wells are at risk of leaking methane into water sources. They also would have to test the soil for methane and strictly monitor water wells within the one-quarter mile range. The new rules also would prohibit construction of oil and gas activities within 500 feet of drinking water sources, and five miles upstream from a public water supply intake.
Huerfano County has had several water concerns associated with coal-bed methane drilling. In June 2007, water wells in the River Ridge Ranch area became contaminated with the volatile gas. The state commission required coal-bed methane company Petroglyph to shut down all 56 of its methane wells in the area. Petroglyph is currently in the process of finding the source of the gas and removing it from the aquifer that supplies drinking water to residents. The company also is installing exterior strobe light alarms that will alert homeowners in River Ridge if it is not safe to enter their homes.
New wildlife standards proposed in the draft rules, while less extensive than originally proposed, would require companies to shut down for up to 90 days to protect wildlife habitat. However, the rule allows companies and surface owners to work with the commission or other state agencies to find an alternative to stopping production. Collins said the rules go far beyond the intent of the legislation approved by the Colorado Legislature last year. She said many of the concerns the association expressed to the commission remained in the draft, but in a different form...
The commission has scheduled a pre-hearing conference for May 15 in Denver.
"2008 pres"
7:06:13 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:17:39 PM.