Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Politics West: "Gov. Bill Ritter celebrated Earth Day beneath an unblemished blue sky this morning by enacting several major pieces of his Climate Action Plan, including a statewide greenhouse gas emissions reduction standard. The standard, which Ritter codified in one of three executive orders he signed at a ceremony this morning, establishes a goal of a 20 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions statewide by 2020 and an 80 percent reduction by 2050. The order tells the state Department of Public Health and Environment to come up with requirements for the state's largest greenhouse gas emitters, like power plants and factories, to measure and report their emissions."
"2008 pres"
6:41:09 PM

DNCC: "In recognition of Earth Day, the Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) today outlined the green technology strategies being used to make the 2008 Democratic National Convention the most environmentally sustainable and technologically advanced political convention in history. By creating an efficient and advanced infrastructure, streamlining our operations, reducing the use of paper and extending the use of equipment and materials after the Convention has concluded, the DNCC plans to significantly reduce its carbon footprint, setting an example for similar events in the future."
DNCC: "In a special Earth Day edition op-ed for The Hill newspaper today, Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC) CEO Leah D. Daughtry outlined the steps Convention organizers are taking to make the 2008 Democratic National Convention the most environmentally-sustainable event of its kind."
"2008 pres"
6:33:28 PM

Unbossed: "Last week, six New Mexico conservation groups and the Western Environmental Law Center filed a protest with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) over the April 16, 2008 sale of eighty-three oil and gas leases in New Mexico totaling nearly 103,000 acres.
"Why is this a big deal?
"This protest is groundbreaking. As far as I know, a protest of oil and gas leases based on the effects of climate change has never before been attempted.
"This is a big deal."
"2008 pres"
6:09:32 PM
Left in the West: "Ron Paul was in Missoula yesterday - and Pete Talbot and I were there to see him! "Pete, of course, took copious notes. I just gawked and listened.
"Some observations:
"Good crowd. The paper called it 1,000 people. That seems about right. It was comparable to the Clinton crowd out at the airport. It was also an eclectic bunch, much more so than at the Obama and Clinton rallies. There was a mix of old and young, some cowboy hats, some with that particular 'shine' of being saved, some known Republicans, some known progressives. I'd say of the crowd, only about half were supporters, got up and cheered every point, shook signs, etc. But by the end, Paul had most of 'em clapping."
Josh Marshall: "SurveyUSA poll on North Carolina: Obama 50%, Clinton 41%."
Political Wire: "Sen. Barack Obama has widened his lead over Sen. Hillary Clinton nationally for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to a USA Today/Gallup Poll. Obama leads Clinton, 50% to 40%."
Political Wire: "For the fifth consecutive Public Policy Polling survey, Sen. Barack Obama holds a lead of more than 18 points in North Carolina. This week, Obama leads Clinton 57% to 32%."
Update:North Carolina blogger Ed Cone writes, "It's fun to have a primary that counts."
"2008 pres"
5:50:06 PM

Today is Earth Day. Hug a tree, take in some of the early blooming flowers and trees around town, on your bike ride to work or school. Pears are in their glory. Don't miss the Saucer Magnolias between 45th and 46th on Wolfe Street up in North Denver. Resolve to lower your vehicle miles travelled and electricity consumption. Be smarter with water.
To that end here's an article on computing, and lowering, your water footprint, from The Independent. They write:
Ethical shopping just got harder - but the latest attempt to help conscientious consumers calculate their impact on the environment could do more to preserve scarce resources than all its predecessors. The concept of water footprints - or "virtual water" - will tell consumers the amount of precious H2O that has been used in the manufacture of products they buy. As with carbon footprints, a "virtual water" figure will indicate the extent to which a particular product has cost the earth. And, as with carbon footprints, the message is clear: less is better. A new website run by the University of Twente in the Netherlands, waterfootprint.org, gives ethically minded consumers a chance to work out the hidden implications of their shopping habits. Common commodities including groceries, clothes, stationery and electrical goods are evaluated according to a water footprint calculator. In each case, the water footprint covers both the manufacture and transport of the goods.
The results are striking. An apple weighing 100g has a water footprint of 70 litres, while a 125ml cup of coffee has a water footprint twice that size, 140 litres. But the water used in producing wheat or meat is much greater. A single kilogram of barley has a water footprint of 1,300 litres, while the industrial production of a kilogram of beef amasses a water footprint of 15,500 litres. Poultry, meanwhile, has a smaller water footprint than red meat: producing a kilogram of chicken meat leaves a comparably much smaller water footprint of 3,900 litres. Academics behind the "virtual water" calculations have also created a worldwide league table for the water footprint of different countries. The US is the biggest offender, with a water footprint of close to 2,500 cubic metres per year per capita, while Italy is a close second. Britain's water footprint is relatively modest at 1,245 cubic metres per year per capita. The calculations are fiendishly complicated. But if they prove popular, calculations of water footprints could do much more to help minimise the environmental impact of consumption than other, similar schemes.
6:19:34 AM

From The Loveland Reporter Herald: "Coloradoans Against Resource Destruction will conduct a meeting at the Pulliam Building, 545 N. Cleveland Ave. in Loveland, beginning at 7 p.m. Wednesday. The meeting is intended to provide information about a proposal to mine uranium in Northern Colorado, according to an announcement from the group. The meeting will also cover legislation under consideration in the Colorado legislature to increase water protection in areas where uranium is mined."
"2008 pres"
6:05:05 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:20:58 PM.