Monday, April 21, 2008
Politics West is running video of Douglas Bruce's getting tossed by Kathleen Curry.
"2008 pres"
9:02:06 PM

Here are the nuts and bolts of the nominating process from the 2008 Democratic National Convention Blog Convention 101. They write: "When the 45th Democratic National Convention is called to order on Monday, August 25, 2008 in Denver, Colorado, it will be the culmination of more than 24 months of formal planning by the Democratic Party to structure a nominating cycle and nominating Convention that represents the Party's principles of openness, fairness and diversity.
"These formal planning efforts occur on two fronts. The first is the written codification of rules and provisions to guide the selection of delegates and alternates by the national and state Democratic Parties to the National Convention. The second is the logistical and operational planning efforts by the Party to select a Convention host city and to produce a Convention that will allow Denver and the Party to shine before an international audience."
"2008 pres"
6:00:14 PM

Mercury in the environment is an increasing problem. Here's an article about a new program for recycling compact fluorescents and thermostats from Xcel and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, from The Denver Business Journal. From the article: "The light bulbs and thermostats can be dropped off at any Ace Hardware location in Colorado. The retailer has 104 locations in the state. Although the light bulbs use less energy, the drawback is they contain small amounts of mercury. The recycling program is for individuals only, not for businesses."
"2008 pres"
5:52:54 PM
Andrew Sullivan: "Obama's Gallup bounce: Who knows what these fluctuations mean? But he's now back ahead nationally by seven points."
National Journal: "In scope and sweep, tactics and scale, the marathon struggle between Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton has triggered such a vast evolutionary leap in the way candidates pursue the presidency that it is likely to be remembered as the first true 21st-century campaign. On virtually every front, the two candidates' efforts dwarf those of all previous primary contenders[~]not to mention presumptive GOP nominee John McCain. It's easy to miss the magnitude of the change amid the ferocity of the Democratic competition. But largely because of their success at organizing supporters through the Internet, Clinton and, especially, Obama are reaching new heights in raising money, recruiting volunteers, hiring staff, buying television ads, contacting voters, and generating turnout. They are producing changes in degree from prior primary campaigns so large that they amount to changes in kind. "
Thomas Frank (via The Wall Street Journal: "If Barack Obama or anyone else really cares to know what I think, I will simplify it all down to this. The landmark political fact of our time is the replacement of our middle-class republic by a plutocracy. If some candidate has a scheme to reverse this trend, they've got my vote, whether they prefer Courvoisier or beer bongs spiked with cough syrup. I don't care whether they enjoy my books, or would rather have every scrap of paper bearing my writing loaded into a C-47 and dumped into Lake Michigan. If it will help restore the land of relative equality I was born in, I'll fly the plane myself."
Thanks to Andrew Sullivan for the link.
"2008 pres"
5:40:34 PM
Political Wire: "Just a day before the Pennsylvania primary, the latest Zogby tracking poll results show Sen. Hillary Clinton leading Sen. Barack Obama, 48% to 42%."
Pollster.com "Quinnipiac University: Pennsylvania - 4/18 through 4/20, n=1,027 likely Democratic primary voters, Clinton 51%, Obama 44%."
Pollster.com "Suffolk University (via The Page): Pennsylvania, 4/19 through 4/20, n=600 likely Democratic primary voters Clinton 52, Obama 42."
Political Wire: "The latest Strategic Vision poll in Pennsylvania shows Sen. Hillary Clinton leading Sen. Barack Obama, 48% to 41%."
Political Wire: "A new American Research Group survey in Pennsylvania shows Sen. Hillary Clinton leading Sen. Barack Obama by a 54% to 41% margin."
Update: TalkLeft: "The new World's Greatest Pollster now has Obama closing fast in PA, cutting a 14 point deficit to 6. The SUSA poll shows a 50-44 result (previously it was 54-40.)"
Update: Josh Marshall: "Finally Public Policy Polling poll: Obama 49%, Clinton 46%."
"2008 pres"
6:44:07 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:20:46 PM.