Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Ed Cone: "The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population. But it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners. Changing drug laws would help. 'In 1980, there were about 40,000 people in American jails and prisons for drug crimes. These days, there are almost 500,000.'
"We should take a look at the incarceration industry, too."
"2008 pres"
7:20:39 PM

Conservation groups are proposing a summit in Denver in the fall in an attempt to find the common interests between conservative hunters and fisherman and groups such as the Sierra Club, according to The Denver Post. From the article:
Activists anxious over various issues vital to the state's fish and game have proposed a Wildlife Conservation Summit, perhaps in early autumn when all the Democratic dust has washed out of Denver. The notion is to collect numerous groups and influential individuals under an umbrella of common concerns. Such a gathering might reflect what has become a profound, recent trend in outdoor circles - a serious dialogue among traditional sportsmen and hard-core environmentalists.
This connect has been a long time coming, in part from intransigence on both sides, but mostly through a diabolical effort by special interests that continue to profit by keeping them apart. For those who despoil the public's lands and waters, it has been a remarkably effective strategy: Make environmentalism a dirty word. Armed with lots of campaign money, they've isolated the enviros while bamboozling sportsmen, typically a conservative lot unwilling to act, or even think, contrary to party dictates. Thus deceived and divided, we've watched big-money interests steal our water and rape our land. Now, finally, enviros and sportsmen have come to realize that, despite certain voting preferences and the way we part our hair, there are overwhelming reasons to clasp hands. We increasingly find mainstream environmentalists joining wildlife action organizations such as Trout Unlimited and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation in rushing to the aid of local action groups when the inevitable brush fires explode.
"2008 pres"
7:13:53 PM

The 2008 Republican National Convention is vying to be the "greenest ever." Here are some excerpts from their Earth Day press release:
With Minnesota's spring thaw and Earth Day upon us, Republican National Convention planners are making great progress in preparing for the convention. For months now, the GOP's Committee on Arrangements (COA) has been hard at work to ensure that our party's 39th presidential nominating convention is the "greenest" ever. Come Sept. 1, an anticipated 45,000 convention guests and volunteers - joined by millions watching from around the world - will gather in Minneapolis-St. Paul for a historic event: the nomination of Sen. John McCain (Ariz.)
From transportation choices to venue selection to staff workspace, the GOP, the MSP2008 Host Committee and the host cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul are working together to implement the best environmental practices in all aspects of planning. We are reviewing all aspects of convention preparations to reduce waste and encourage reuse and recycling. We currently use paperless, online systems for internal communications, as well as our delegate travel reservation system, thanks to our partnership with Travel Technology Group, the convention's Official Housing Bureau.
"2008 pres"
7:11:29 PM
Here's a recap of yesterday's Pennsylvania primary and a look ahead from The Moderate Voice.
"2008 pres"
6:46:16 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:21:09 PM.