Monday, April 7, 2008
Denver Business Journal: "The immigrant population of Colorado and other Rocky Mountain states is increasing at nearly twice the rate of the nation as a whole, according to a new report by Colorado College. From 2000 to 2005 the immigrant population of the eight-state Rocky Mountain region grew 27 percent, as compared to a 16 percent immigrant growth rate nationwide, the report said. The figures are for both authorized and illegal immigrants."
"2008 pres"
5:34:47 PM
New West: "In the Democratic Party's neck-and-neck nomination battle between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, no state is free from the candidates' courtship. This weekend Clinton and Obama brought their political celebrity to Montana, a state with a measly 17 delegates at play in its June 3 primary, the country's last. As Obama said Saturday night, 'Every state counts.' Whether or not that's actually true of Montana in this race to 2,024 delegates is moot: It was an historic two-day stop by the leaders of a resurgent Democratic Party, one of whom may be the next president of the United States, in a state and in a region in the midst of its own Democratic resurgence."
The Moderate Voice: "The latest Gallup Daily tracking poll has Senator Barack Obama 9 points ahead of Senator Hillary Clinton in their bitter battle for the 2008 Democratic Presidential nomination."
"2008 pres"
5:21:48 PM

World Meteorological Organization: "The UN Bangkok Climate Change Talks mapped out a work programme that structures negotiations on a long-term international climate change agreement, set to be concluded in Copenhagen by the end of 2009. The meeting also sent a clear signal that the use of market-based mechanisms, such as the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism, should be continued and improved as a way for developed countries to meet emission reduction targets and contribute towards sustainable development."
2:06:22 PM
Political Wire: "A new Public Policy Polling survey in North Carolina shows Sen. Barack Obama with a commanding lead over Sen. Hillary Clinton, 54% to 33%."
"2008 pres"
1:47:12 PM
Andrew Sullivan: "When Rumsfeld professed 'shock' at the techniques revealed at Abu Ghraib, he was expressing 'shock' at interrogation techniques he had already personally examined and approved for use at Gitmo. He was expressing shock after having personally directed one of the architects of the torture regime at Gitmo, Geoffrey Miller, to go to Abu Ghraib to 'Gitmoize' it. He was lying."
"2008 pres"
8:55:06 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 2:18:28 PM.