Updated: 9/1/2002; 7:01:44 PM.
Tuesday, February 05, 2002 |
Apache's position on the Java Specification Participation Agreement has now been published. This is a follow up to the infamous fireball news item.
2:30:09 PM
WASP Developer for Eclipse. Gotta love it! IBM open sources an IDE. IBM also works on open source implementations of SOAP. Systinet has their own implementation and yet integrate with the common tooling platform. Best of all, SysInet actively participates in the ongoing soapbuilder's interop activities. Choice is good!
10:25:46 AM
Now onto calling Radio web services from Axis. It seems that Dave left a bunch of loose ends. I figured out the next piece of the puzzle. Simon Fell picked up the trail. Now I'm building on the work Simon did, to build a sample client. You can watch my progress here.
- This sample doesn't work just yet. It appears to send a valid request and even get what appears to be a valid response. But for some reason, Axis can't seem to locate the resulting string. My first assumption at this point is that this is an Axis bug. Investigating.
- The sample originally passed simply Dave, but some part of the Radio publishing process automatically transforms this into a reference to Dave Winer's page. Unfortunately, as this is within an <XMP> tag, what you see is the HTML instead of the link. Worked around this by changing the text to "Dave from Axis"
- Future plans include producing WSDL, and invoking Apache Axis hosted services from Radio. I will likely also go back and do Apache SOAP clients accessing Radio services, but at the present time it doesn't look possible for Radio to invoke Apache SOAP hosted services as I see no way to pass the necessary namespace information to the xml.rpc call.
8:46:05 AM