Updated: 9/1/2002; 7:02:23 PM.
Friday, February 08, 2002 |
Current stock quote from Axis using new SCNS driver for SOAP 1.1:
IBM: [Macro error: Poorly formed XML text, string constant is improperly formatted. (At character #421.)]
Here's the script:
<% ["soap://user1:pass1@" +
"nagoya.apache.org:5049" +
"/axis/servlet/AxisServlet" +
.getQuote(symbol:"IBM") %>
10:15:27 PM
WOW! I'm impressed! That was quick. Simon Fell took a look at my vision for a simpler future for Radio users and figured out way to implement this today. I see the integration and ease of use as being better than SCNS could ever hope to provide. I still would prefer to see this integrated directly into Radio, but meanwhile WSDL FM does address the WSDL consumption side more than adequately.
3:20:36 PM
Sun Appears to Wholly Embrace Linux. Wow - what a difference an adjective makes in that headline, eh? Meanwhile, others in the open source community continue to wait.
1:16:18 PM
Ingo Rammer wrote: The only problem for me is, that people like Dave (or John as well) are trying to put up a wall between a "Compiler User" and a "Scripting Developer" whereas there is none. I'm fine with you and as long as you give me the WSDL, I don't care how your Web Service has been implemented ;-) Agreed.
12:01:01 PM
Apparently, the dividing line between present and possible future wasn't clear in my latest essay. Oops. Sorry about that. I made a one word change that should help clear this up.
11:34:31 AM
Third essay has been posted. Mind bomb or simply bomb? Who knows. But in any case, I said it on a weblog, in public, on the record. So hopefully the author and the readers alike are on the path to enlightenment.
Inspiration for this essay came from here and here.
7:36:55 AM