Updated: 9/1/2002; 7:02:30 PM.
Monday, February 25, 2002 |
Meanwhile Ugo Cei's cocoon+xindice based weblog continues to gain functionality. RSS 1.0. PermaLinks. W3C XHTML 1.0 valid...
10:26:01 PM
New Jakarta PMC results. Got reelected. Mustn't have pissed too many people off.
9:59:24 PM
Dave notices the provacatively titled crushing userland thread on cocoon-dev, and comments: Heh. I know how much work they have to do to do that. BWT, we use Apache in our system. He may use Apache's httpd, but there is so much more to Apache: Axis, Cocoon, Xindice, etc. I personally believe that from a technology perspective, the code is there. On the other hand, what I believe that Stefano grossly underestimates is the effort required to bootstrap a weblog community.
8:10:15 PM
Jon writes Sam also recirculates the meme from Mark Pilgrim's "erudite reader" -- that two axes of typing, strong/weak and dynamic/static, are orthogonal. Python's interesting status in this regard may help to tease apart the issues that are currently polarizing the WSDL debate. It's not simply scripting languages versus compiled languages, I don't think.
I actually go further than that. Perl and Radio have different concepts of dates. Either the script writer needs to do the grungy and error-prone conversions to the desired SOAP encoding, or some portion of the runtime can be made aware of the desired type and take care of the administrative details. Interestingly enough, this data must come in from the "outside" precisely because both languages are dynamic and non-strongly typed.
7:53:46 PM
Got a new thinkpad. T23. Spent most of the day installing software.
4:22:10 PM