Updated: 9/1/2002; 7:02:26 PM.
Tuesday, February 12, 2002 |
Kimbro has further thoughts on digital identity. It seems to me that all the pieces necessary to pull this off are here.
2:41:06 PM
Ugo says: "I plan to move the storage of entries to Xindice and do whatever it takes to create a great blogging tool, better than Radio and opensource too (just kidding ;-)." Then he goes and makes the serving from Xindice happen. Doesn't look like he is kidding to me.
2:37:42 PM
Matthew Langham writes If SOAP is a standard - then why do we need this? At last count there are over 80 different SOAP implementations (probably not all being maintained). Why? One answer is to be able to distinguish the maintained implementations from the unmaintained ones. Another answer can be found here.
8:30:40 AM
Here's a script that reformats that google news and headlines page into two colums with just one entry per headline. The only content changed on the page is the time is converted to eastern and a small set of other news sources of interest to me (e.g., local tv stations) are added on the left. I've been using it for a few weeks and I share it in case others find it useful. Be forewarned that as this is based on HTML scraping it could break if google were to change it's layout. Requires perl, cgi, wget, and touch.
7:39:26 AM
A weblog powered by . I'm intrigued. Gonna have to check this out. Clean, tableless design too.
7:08:45 AM