It looks like Don Box's article is generating a lot of pushback. I wrote Don about this last night, and he replied:
You misread me. My intent was:
"Scripting languages are here to stay. So are compiled languages. Compiled languages need WSDL, so if we are going to live together in peace and harmony, either the scripter can write the WSDL once or every compiled language user will need to do it by hand. Please, scripter, help your brothers and sisters who use Java/C/C++/C# love your stuff"
If you are going to jump on this, please quote this mail as conveying my true intentions (which I thought were clear - obviously I was wrong).
If that was his intent, I certainly didn't see it from that paper. It looks like others didn't either. In any case, I'm still stuck on the implicit assumption that scripting and strong typing are incompatible. Despite not having completed this week's essay yet, I've started on next weeks as it will dive deeper into this issue.
But I'm still a fan of the author of this book.
2:09:58 PM