The Wagner Blog
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Wednesday, May 29, 2002

InformIT: Chris Payne takes a stab at a P2P IM app. Very basic design. I'm not even sure that TCP socket chat can be considered IM
8:30:13 PM    

BBC: Faces from the Ice Age.
8:18:39 PM - Cloning to revive extinct species
8:05:11 PM    

Managed Provider to MySQL Released. is proud to announce the general availability of dbProvider, the managed provider to the MySQL database. dbProvider provides a direct, native connection between .NET and MySQL, bypassing the slower and error-prone OLEDB and ODBC interfaces.
Product Release. May 29, 2002. [Sam Gentile's Radio Weblog]

- You know, I do like to bag on MySQL on a frequent basis. The fact someone goes to the trouble of building a driver just shows that it is still pretty popular. Missing foreign keys and all........ :-)

7:51:39 PM    

A Whole Collection of .NET Tools and Samples.

There are currently 501 User Samples of .NET code at GotDotNet of all sorts.


NZipLib is a Zip/GZip library written entirely in C# for the .NET platform. It is implemented as an assembly, and thus can easily be incorporated into other projects (in any .NET language). The creator of NZipLib put it this way: "I've ported the zip library over to C# because I needed gzip/zip compression and I didn't want to use libzip.dll or something like this. I want all in pure C#."

Mike Woodring has a whole bunch of very useful samples on Remoting, Reflection, Threading and more.

Reflector for .NET

Reflector is a class browser for .NET components and assemblies. It features hierarchical assembly and namespace views, type and member dictionary index search, type reference search, custom attributes view, an IL disassembler and viewers for C# XML documentations and MSDN help. Assembly dependency trees, supertype/subtype hierarchies and resources can be inspected as well. Function prototypes are displayed in C#, VB and Eiffel syntax. Windows XP enabled. In short: the swiss army knife for .NET programmers.

Reflector is the first thing I put on any .NET system. The site has some other very cool tools too!

Chris Sells: Genghis

Genghis is a set of extensions built on top of .NET and integrated with WinForms to provide application-level services in the same flavor as the Microsoft Foundation Classes. Genghis gets its name as the functional heir to Attila, a similar set of functionality built on top of ATL.

[Sam Gentile's Radio Weblog]

7:49:16 PM    

Happy Birthday Joe (belated?) . And yes, having Aggie mentioned is sweet. Congrats on both accounts.
5:57:38 PM    

Brad Wilson: "We're all out here doing our part to further the sense of community. I consider people good acquaintenances and friends, even though I may have never met them in person, all because of this sense of community." -  YES! Thats exactly it! Its' almost how things used to be on the Compuserve Database forums. And instead of Fabian Pascal we now have Dave Winer. All kidding aside Brad you are right on the money as far as the community sense goes.


5:45:25 PM    

The Shifted Librarian: "Jeeeeeeews in Spaaaaaace" - sometimes something very serious can also be darn funny.
5:41:12 PM    

Earnie the Attorney is a smart guy. I like the way he correlated 2 bits of information here and supported his own view . Little bit too macro economic for my own taste but a nice idea nonetheless.
5:38:09 PM    

Simon Fell: "COMUnit is a Visual Basic port of the JUnit framework"
5:32:46 PM    

SlashDot: "Spoofing URL's with Unicode"

A couple of Israeli's were able to register by using cyrillic letters. This one is for you Dan! 

5:28:52 PM    

The saga continues. Thanks to Chris Sells for having this link: "J2EE Petshop versus DotNet Petshop"

If nothing else, following the mud slinging that occured between MS, IBM and now Oracle over the past year or so has been an education. You see MS rewrote the SUN Petshop J2EE reference app in .NET. Once MS published its claims of speed increases and code complexity reduction IBM jumped in and posted several rebuttals on its own site. The latest gaffe appears to be between MS and Oracle, which seems to have taken quite some license with its benchmarks of Petshop. There is no doubt that one can do Petshop in less code than J2EE but the way MS went about it with their "light-weight" architecture approach is still questionable to me. I had mentioned that here. One more thing - I may not be the biggest fan of MS but for Oracle to publish benchmarks on a eCommerce reference site that doesn't have a functioning UpdateCart method is just really really dumb.

5:08:47 PM    

Gordon Weakliem: A macro to automate shell generation of unit tests using NUnit

".... For each class declared in the file, the macro creates a file and namespace based upon the full name of the class being tested.  For example, if the class you're creating tests for is called "MyCo.MyLib", then the macro will generate a file named "MyCo.MyLib_UnitTests.cs" containing a namespace named "MyCo.MyLib_UnitTests".  Test cases aren't generated for abstract classes or classes that otherwise can't be instantiated, or that have no public members. For each method, property, event and field in the class, the macro generates a test case in the test namespace based on the member name.  For example, a method Foo gets a TestCase named "TestFoo".  The macro also generates some boilerplate setup and teardown code and a class member of the type of the object being tested that gets initialized in setup.  If the object being tested implements IDisposable, then TearDown will contain a call to Dispose()......."

9:41:42 AM    

Fritz Onion: ASP.NET ViewState Decoder

"...This utility lets you decode the hidden viewstate field on any .aspx page to view the contents in a treeview, as raw text, or as parsed xml..."

9:34:45 AM    

Brad WilsonC# / ASP.NET Messageboard

"....Inside the source code for this project you'll find an example, which amounts to a handful of pages. I have a live version of that sample online. I'm not going to regularly monitor the forum, and it's likely to be wiped without warning, so please feel free to use it as an experimentation ground. For sample clarity, I have left out error checking, so don't be shocked if you get an exception page..."

9:31:13 AM    

John Lam: Aspect Oriented Programming

"....Aspect oriented programming is a way of dealing with software complexity. The canonical examples of applications of AOP typically involve code that is scattered throughout an application. Some examples are:

  1. Tracing / logging
  2. Security access control checks
  3. Pre / post condition assertions (which could ultimately lead to an implementation of Eiffel's Design-By-Contract semantics).

What AOP promises is the ability to gather all of this code and put it in a single place (the aspect). You do so by instructing your AOP runtime / framework to weave your aspect throughout your application. ..."

Gordon Weakliem has an interesting post about AOP as well.

9:24:43 AM    

Justin Rudd: LogKit.NET

"...LogKit.NET is a port of the Jakarta Avalon LogKit project.  At the heart LogKit is the Logger.  A Logger has a priority (like a TraceSwitch) and log targets (like TraceListeners).  A Logger is associated with one category (like the category of Trace).  In addition, a Logger is allowed to have 0 or more children.  These children are based on the category name.  For example, given the following categories -

  • Pinetree
  • Pinetree.DB
  • Pinetree.DB.Query

Pinetree is a child of the root category.  Pinetree.DB is a child of Pinetree.  Pinetree.DB.Query is a child of Pinetree.DB.  By default a child Logger will have the same log targets and same priority as the parent Logger.   But I can set on a child a different priority and a different set of log targets.  There is a lot of information on the Jakarta site so I'm not going to reproduce it here......"

9:17:21 AM    

A few tips on how the experts spot a terrorist: "Israeli security specialists say US system looks for the weapons while Israeli system looks for the terrorist." [From the Desktop of Dane Carlson]
9:08:35 AM    

NY Times: "Intel offers some pieces in a puzzle"

"....Two weeks ago, Jack Dongarra, an independent analyst at the University of Tennessee, who tracks the performance of computers, released data showing that the most recent Pentium 4, which runs at 2.5 gigahertz, is now the fastest processor, under a standard measure of performance known as the Linpack Benchmark. It surpassed processors from companies like NEC, Cray, I.B.M. and Fujitsu that cost many times as much...."


9:05:46 AM    

Detroit Auto News: BMW recalls 15,000 new 7-series

I think I want to point out yet once again that the US automobile journalism collective has considerable blinders on when it comes to BMW's. This little recall just reminded me how rarely one sees any criticism of that brand in the popular car mags. Wake up people! When I lived in Germany, BMW routinely ranked below Opel in customer satisfaction and technical excellence. What do you suppose the people in that country know that we don't over here?  My neighbor Craig, the editor of a very popular car mag,  has assured me that his publication only runs articles that his readership is interested in. Therefore he wouldn't dream of doing a comparison between the 3 Series and lets say a G35 or a Volvo. So there you have it. Its a total self-fullfilling Catch 22. The blind leading the blind. And most of it driven by marketing. How ironic.

8:50:35 AM    

Chris Sells: NET XSDClassGen.

" ....XsdClassesGen is a Custom Tool Add-In to VS.NET to generate type-safe wrapper classes for serializing to and from XML documents. It takes as input an XSD and produces the C# or VB.NET code to do the serialization using the XmlSerializer. This is really just the output of running xsd.exe /classes, but integrated directly into VS.NET."

6:52:05 AM    

Wise Owl Software: Demeanor Enterprise for Microsoft .NET

"...Demeanor for .NET performs three categories of obfuscation - symbol obfuscation, metadata obfuscation and control flow obfuscation. All forms of obfuscation are lossy. In other words, the process throws away information making it unavailable for a decompiler....."

6:49:06 AM    

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