Updated: 7/14/02; 10:08:35 PM.
The Daily Blog
Network Computing Site News and Stuff

Thursday, April 11, 2002

On-site today

We've added a very meat and potatoes story today. It's by Steven J. Schuchart Jr., and it's entitled "Send in the Clones?" No, we're not making fun of the pending Star Wars se-prequel. We're merely exploding some myths about support for white-box PCs versus Tier 1 machines to help you make the best desktop and server selections. Enjoy.

FYI, if you like to know where you are at all times, try your hand at our TechQuiz on content monitoring. If you get all the questions right, you could win a cool GPS device. We're giving away one per week (we'll be closing out week one tomorrow night), so try your hand while you have the chance.

Some stories we're following today

The fix is in at Microsoft -- If you're running Microsoft's IIS Web server (versions 4 through 5.1), then you should really consider a rather hefty security patch released by Microsoft last night. It fixes no fewer than 10 exploits, ranging from cross scripting holes to buffer overruns. If you're running the 6.0 beta, you're out of luck, unless Microsoft contacts you directly, which they're purporting to do.

It's the end of the universe? -- Reason.com has posted an interview with Cosmologist/Physicist/Smartguy Stephen Hawking. It is apparent from reading this that Mr. Hawking believes firmly that science will make some unthinkable breakthroughs by the end of the century...or even sooner, if his prediction that we'll come up with a complete Unified Theory within the next 20 years pans out. Whether your into science or not, you'll enjoy this read. As the Brits are fond of saying, "Cheers!"

Quote of the day -- Here it is, shamelessly stolen from a most excellent ComputerWorld interview (part 3, actually) with Sun Microsystems' Java king, James Gosling.

Q: So you do use Windows machines?

A: Oh, I use them a lot. I've got five of them at home. ... Three are Windows 2000 and two are actually Windows 98. And those two need some serious upgrading.

Q: But you said you're shifting to Mac.

A: Yeah. The thing that kind of broke it for me is that I needed a new laptop, and ... Apple switched to OS X ... it's become a really incredible desktop machine.

What can we say...we just love the Mac.

Posted by Brad Shimmin at 12:51:31 PM   comment on this post  >>[]

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