Dude, You're Gettin' an Amiga.
There are those who miss for the whir of the cassette tape and the smooth graphics of a finely tuned Amiga. But you rarely hear anyone actually pining to toss today's crop of operating systems in favor of a Z88. Enter one Mr. Arron Rouse of the Inquirer, who penned an article today indicting even the most advanced OS (yes, the Mac OS X) for failing to innovate.
Seventeen years ago the Amiga started showing what a media based operating system could do. It can still do some things better than a current PC. Twelve years ago most of my work was being done on a laptop that switched on instantly. Now there's a wait for Windows to boot.
I'm not sure about you, but I for one still look lovingly on my original HP Omnibook. Now if only it would run OS X.
Posted by Brad Shimmin at 11:50:08 AM