Lots of miscellaneous stuff - recipes, toy review, pictures, etc.
Last night was bookclub. I was in a quandry as to what to bring foodwise. I wanted something interesting but absolutely no work. Amazingly enough those were not mutually exclusive requirements. The perfect recipe just happened to be in this month's Gourmet - Honey-Glazed Wax Beans. Don't laugh - these beans are great and only take 15 minutes.
Today's cool toy! It's addictive.
The fabulous weather lasted through the weekend. Although it has finally started to cloud over today. I'm spoiled (most would agree) - I want the sun back. Here are some great pix from the weekend. Hard to believe it's the second week in April!
Anchorage skyline and clouds (view from the bedroom window):

Peter started shoveling the snow off the deck. The animals helped!
Cem in a snow tunnel - note the snowy beard:

Jasper in the snow tunnel:

Clem and I basking:

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