Monday, July 21, 2003
So John Ashcroft and Molly Ivins are in Anchorage at the same time. I would pay the big bucks to see those two debate each other!
7:10:18 PM
fun (f n)
Dealing with a Bouvier that has a nasty case of diarrhea.
6:40:42 PM
I watched today's Tour de France coverage this morning (actually 6:00 AM to 7:30 AM Alaska Daylight Time). Man, I about had heart attack before my day even got underway. Lance's crash on the final mountain was a stunner. I figured, in those first few seconds after his fall that that was it. His chance of a 5-peat crashed with the crash. But then, he got his bike put back together and took off. And the Tour leaders being the true sportsmen that they are and holding to a time honored bike racing tradition, did not press their advantage. They want their win to be above board - a true test of riding ability.
This has been the most amazing Tour!
6:16:04 PM
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