Holy cow - I am so sick. And it happened sooooooo fast. I think I've got the flu. Yesterday, I sneezed once or twice and had a slightly runny nose. Same through about 2:00 PM today and then whammo - high fever, swollen glands, coughing, so sore it hurts to move, etc...ugh...
This is not a good time to get sick. The holidays, work, and the Ski Boy is out of town. It's a very long way downstairs - but Clem will still need to eat breakfast and go outside to do her doggly duties before Peter gets home tomorrow. Plus, I have to call the plumber - we came home from Seattle to a massively stopped up potty. So, if the plumber comes over, I have to go downstairs to let him (or her) in. ugh redux...
7:20:15 PM