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  Sunday, November 30, 2003

Peter, Susie, and I just got home from seeing Bad Santa.

What a totally sick, totally black, totally profane, totally hilarious movie. It is destined to become a cult Christmas classic. If you have a smart, sick, twisted sense of humor, this movie is for you.

Peter, Susie, and I just died.

However, the funniest part of our movie experience was when a Mom with two children stomped out after one full hour. She should have figured out that it was totally inappropriate in the first five minutes.
7:51:00 PM    comment []

You may wonder why a blog entitled, The Slat Rat Chronicles doesn't mention skiing. Seems a bit odd...

Well, my cross country skiing is on an indefinite, very long term hiatus. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has thumped me to the point where I no longer have the strength to ski. Even easy classical skiing is probably out of the picture - although, I will say that I'm not quite ready to give up on that yet...

Not only is lack of strength an issue, but my under performing immune system is also a bit of a boat anchor. My Natural Killer Cell function is between 13 and 17. A healthy person's NK function is up around 50-80 or higher. The only folks with NK functions in my range are individuals with AIDS, CFIDS, or cancer. For the past three or four years, every single time I try to start working out or skiing on a regular basis, I get very ill within one to two weeks. It is my goofy theory that taxing aerobic exercise just overwhelms my wimpy immune system. So until we can improve my immune system's performance, I should not ski.

Clem and I also really miss skijoring. Clemmie and I used to be one hot skijoring team - we regularly won middle distance races: five to eight kilometers. Clemmie was extremely competitive, very fast and strong - over short distances. But she pooped out after about 8K. So we didn't do the longer distance races. Clem says she didn't poop out, she just got tired of hauling me up the hills!!!

Clemmie has a completely blown left ACL so she can't run much at all any more and skijoring is definitely out of the question. So we both hit the wall at the same time. At least we cooperated on the timing front. But, skijoring stories, such as today's great article in the Anchorage Daily News, generate big time nostalgia attacks.

However, both Clemmie and I still absolutely live for snow!!!!! So, currently, we are two very happy snow bunnies!
2:28:04 PM    comment []

It just keeps on snowing. It's basically been snowing since Thursday evening. We've picked up another fifteen inches of the white stuff since Turkey Day. It just doesn't get any better than this!!!!

Clem: Bouvier of The Arctic Ice Pack.

Well, actually it's not the Arctic Ice Pack. It's Cook Inlet (which is part of the Gulf of Alaska - which should count for something!). Cook Inlet is basically out our front door and few hundred yards down the Coastal Trail. But it does look impressive!!!!
1:38:03 PM    comment []

Peter's very dedicated Sunday morning running group - they never miss a Sunday. Actually, that's not quite true. They skipped Sunday March 17th, 2002. That morning, they awoke to 36 inches of snow that had fallen in a 5 hour period. The infamous 2002 St. Paddy's Day blizzard set a 24 hour snow fall record for Anchorage.

From left to right: Laurie, Pete, Susan, Aron, the Ski Boy, and Alex.
1:29:45 PM    comment []

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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:38:28 PM.

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