Sunday 5 January 2003

Twelfth Night, so I guess I might as well post this: The Twelve Days of Technology before Christmas, by Bill Hancock.
10:35:39 PM  #  comment []

Aw, nuts. Graham’s going away.
10:07:36 PM  #  comment []

Confused about some of the American Gods that Neil Gaiman references?
8:58:31 PM  #  comment []

categories: Hostage to Crap

365 days of music, from the “strange and outsider realm.”
2:59:39 PM  #  comment []

categories: Hostage to Crap

Pinhole cameras made of the photographic paper itself.
2:32:09 PM  #  comment []

categories: Hostage to Crap

A sort of bibliography of peer to peer technologies.
1:07:43 AM  #  comment []