Sunday 12 January 2003

I last wrote about Greg Costikyan back in April, when I was considering the fate of all the authors that I knew lived in the World Trade Center area.

He now has a weblog.

Dan Hood is finally gainfully employed, and is touching up his latest round of stories for publication. Neither of them is, though, a Fanuilh/Liam Rhenford story, alas.
2:02:06 PM  #  comment []

categories: Hostage to Crap

Bitworking points to the Scott Adams (no, not the adventure game guy, the other one) take on Extreme Programming.

Now, while pair programming is not the most important of the concepts behind XP, it is the one I have had most experience with. People learn best in the apprenticeship model, and people programming work best when they can bounce ideas off of others or get feedback on code they are writing immediately, rather than in a code review, when one gets all defensive about what was done days or weeks ago. Ah, a correctable problem—let’s move on.
1:33:57 AM  #  comment []

My surprised laugh is more like a whoop, sort of like a chicken making that loud noise after clucking: cluck cluck cluck (wait for it) BWU-HOCK!

The new PowerBook ads. Having bought the AppleCare for this at the year’s end in early November, though,

[thanks go to Allan Karl]
12:54:59 AM  #  comment []

Lost Futures
Mike has finished posting the transcripts of the interviews he did with David Sanders to produce his Cinescape article and written a very personal, nostalgic cap-piece to it. Read it.
12:10:01 AM  #  comment []