Monday 6 January 2003

10:10:00 PM  #  comment []

Married by America: yet another Fox travestization of marriage. Produced by the Rev. Sun Yung Moon, no doubt.
10:06:09 PM  #  comment []

categories: Hostage to Crap

It snowed lightly in my area last night, sparse enough that none was left on the road in the morning, but laying snow picaresquely on all the trees, like mantles of white. Towards Princeton, past the Dow Jones/Factiva compound, the geese on the lake nearby near took my breath away.

Oh, what was I saying? Despite the lack of white on the road, I passed four or five accidents on the way to work. The second one made me goggle: a friend from my boyhood days was there! I pulled over to see if I could help only to find that he was helping the only accident victim, headlight smashed against the median, call with his cell phone. I “helped” by adding my voice and calling 911 as well. Unfortunately, four traffic lights later, there was yet another accident, blocking the northbound lane and slowing the southbound somewhat.
9:48:55 PM  #  comment []