Friday 10 January 2003

Eagles mania in Philadelphia; everyone in green and white. Go Eagles posters draping the halls. People on the Boulevard selling shirts. Festive and hopeful.
8:14:52 PM  #  comment []

Hm. Wonder if they use the DICT protocol at the the Online OED?
12:30:46 AM  #  comment []

Rone wonders why I use weblogs rather than livejournal, but I can’t respond today because livejournal is down.

12:24:23 AM  #  comment []

M was out today and will be out tomorrow, for a mentoring job for another client, the ones I took over from him in CA after his accident two years ago. Before he left, he apparently convinced some coterie of the MMetJ upper muckety-mucks arrayed against us that we need to stay.

Gah! Invisible comments.

12:20:27 AM  #  comment []

Nobody sensible believes in ghosts anyway—that’s because they’re all such liars.
—Coraline’s other mother
[Gaiman, Coraline, 90]

12:16:51 AM  #  comment []

categories: Commonplaces

Eat more words.

Mmmm...more words.

Surely some of my word-lovin’ fiends, er... friends... could pitch in? You know who you are.

[thanks to Caterina and Judith, I think]
12:05:41 AM  #  comment []