Monday 13 January 2003

Heh. Greg Costikyan   writes about   Snood, last mentioned here some time ago, much to Mike’s chagrin. But he says that Popcap hasn’t done anything to match Bejeweled. I know I am still playing Bookworm.
11:42:00 PM  #  comment []

Rone wants to know if there’s a Rice Bowl Journals for Spanish folk.

Have you tried

¿No soy su mejor amigo jamais, ni he mutilado su idioma inconsolablemente?
10:57:35 PM  #  comment []

Because it will fall off Aaron’s front page, and I will forget, and he’s going to post something snarky and intelligent, and I will miss it, unless I remember to check often:
10:51:50 PM  #  comment []

Dinner at Olive Garden with the boss. Saw a couple of pretty girls go by, but no one looked back. Ah well.
9:27:23 PM  #  comment []