Tuesday 28 January 2003

Thanks everyone for the birthday greetings! They are cherished.


In fact, the comments will be printed out and used as a standard against which I will determine whether you are worth hearing out or not.

Seriou..., well, not seriously, I guess.
11:08:37 PM  #  comment []

Paul points to the PowerPoint Gettysburg address.

Allan Karl (gotta love the name!) also had something to say about PowerPoint, and if you’ll check his comments, you’ll see that I had something to say too. Which goes to show that I’m slightly ahead of my time. That, or a real dynamic language/AI nut. Browse the rest of Peter Norvig site if you are, as well. I read his Techniques as part of a class.

Jay Han appears to be back to his techno-scrapbook. Welcome back, Jay!

As for myself, I swore I would not turn on the television and get some reading done, but then realized the State of the Union was today. Sigh. Good speech, though.
11:02:58 PM  #  comment []

Felicity wonders about funest.

Funest is cognate I think with funeral and funereal. I once heard a paper at a Stevens conference at a small college in New York on the precision of the use of the word funest and why it was better than funereal in “On the Manner of Addressing Clouds.”

Of course, once that Eat More Words collective starts up, Felicity can get every sense and connotation in which funest has ever been used.
10:21:31 PM  #  comment []