Monday 27 January 2003

Funest Friday. Sleepy Saturday. Sated Sunday. Miserably-cold Monday.

Funest. How’s that for a Wallace Stevens word?
11:50:11 PM  #  comment []

Neither blogged much nor read yesterday; in fact, I spent much of my time in a Chinese-food-induced stupor. Of course, now that I am untrustable (Jack Weinberg, October, 1964) you probably ought not to take my word for it.
11:42:54 PM  #  comment []

Now that I know that Liz did not design this site, I feel a lot less guilty criticizing the design. Just because you can make your site in Flash does not make it a good idea. It’s linear and forces a mostly linear presentation of the elements. Someone who was coming back to the site looking for one of the resources in the links embedded in the presentation would have to go through the whole load process (which I find much more annoying now that I am on a 24000 kbps modem), then navigate through large irrelevant portions of the presentation to get to the link.
11:15:51 PM  #  comment []