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Day level permalink June 3, 2002

Napster seeks bankruptcy protection. The embattled Internet music upstart files the paperwork in a Delaware court as part of an $8 million deal to become a wholly owned unit of Bertelsmann. [CNET]
3:09:27 PM  Item-level permalink    

Osbournes to duke it out with T-Shirt purveyor in $15 million lawsuit over obscene T-Shirt?

From The Trademark Blog:  "T-Shirt Hell, Inc. is suing Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, Epic Records, Sony Music Entertainment, Signature Network, Monolith, Hot Topics, and Lexitrends for trademark infringement.  T-Shirt Hell is claiming its T-shirt design reading "Fuck My Family I'm Moving in with the Osbournes" has been ripped off by the Osbournes on a T-shirt that reads, *&@# My Family! I'm Moving in with … The Osbourne Family."  [Story Link]

T-Shirt Hell is looking for $15 million and has an interesting site wherein the litigation is prominently featured, and of course, T-Shirts are for sale.  As Jar-Jar Binks would say "Isa tinking dat de Osbournes be habin dee advantage..." 

[Ernie the Attorney]
2:46:24 PM  Item-level permalink    

Palestinian Court Orders Release of Top Militant Wanted by Israel. (New York Times: International News) A Palestinian court ordered the release today of a jailed radical leader wanted by Israel, even as C.I.A. Director George J. Tenet headed for Israel to press Palestinians for security reforms. [Palestine & Israel News]
1:11:33 PM  Item-level permalink    

Buckingham Palace was evacuated last night after fire broke out in a roof void in the East Gallery, 24 hours before the second Golden Jubilee concert was due to take place. [ TimesOnline ]
7:53:44 AM  Item-level permalink : Bishop Suggested Concealing Abuse Evidence. "Personnel files should be carefully examined to determine their content. Unsigned letters alleging misconduct should be expunged," Quinn said on tape. [Daypop Top News Stories]
6:51:14 AM  Item-level permalink    

The Hijackers We Let Escape. The CIA tracked two suspected terrorists to a Qaeda summit in Malaysia in January 2000, then looked on as they re-entered America and began preparations for September 11. Inside what may be the worst intelligence failure of all. A NEWSWEEK exclusive [Daypop Top News Stories]
6:46:39 AM  Item-level permalink    

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