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Day level permalink June 12, 2002

Microsoft advises plugging Gopher hole. The software giant issues a "critical" security alert about a hole in its IE browser that could allow hackers to use an outdated Web protocol to seize control of people's computers. [CNET]

"IE users (can take the) approach of manually blocking Gopher access. One can do this by going to the Tools menu and accessing the "LAN Settings" under "Connections." Uncheck the "automatically detect settings" box and check the "use Proxy server for your LAN" box. Under the "Advanced Tab," make sure the "use the same proxy server for all protocols" box is unchecked. Finally, go to the Gopher text field and enter "localhost" and "1" in the port setting box. "

3:49:26 PM  Item-level permalink    

Israel Ends Siege Of Arafat Compound. (CBS News) Pullout Comes As Sharon Returns From Talks In U.S., Europe [Palestine & Israel News]
3:39:13 PM  Item-level permalink That Labor Lawsuit .... An attorney representing current and former employees claims the company fudged page-view records and underpaid the 'guides' who run its topical websites. By Randy Dotinga. [Wired News]
12:09:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

Man may face charges in castration case. OAK PARK, Mich. -- A man who police say castrated another man on his kitchen table faces possible charges. [Daypop Top News Stories]

"The victim said this is something he wanted to do."

11:50:35 AM  Item-level permalink    

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