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Day level permalink June 19, 2002

Why software is so bad .... June 17 — It’s one of the oldest jokes on the Internet, endlessly forwarded from e-mailbox to e-mailbox. A software mogul — usually Bill Gates, but sometimes another —makes a speech. [Daypop Top News Stories]
11:33:31 AM  Item-level permalink    

More on the Linking and Deep Linking from Martin Schwimmer

"Most of this Giga-law how-to article on linking and framing isn't objectionable, but the best practice suggestion, "Don't Deep Link Without Permission," seems like overkill.  There is no caselaw to suggest that deep linking is per se illegal.  The two cases cited involved more than linking, but presumably misappropriation of data."  via [Famous Brands At Discount Prices]

Martin is an expert on Trademark law, and practices in New York.   I think we've heard from most of the lawyers in the blogosphere on the topic of deep linking.  We all agree there is no case law that prohibits it (which doesn't mean some future case won't hold differently).  So, if it turns out that deep linking is not prohibited, then where does NPR get off claiming that you have to have an agreement to link to any part of their site?

[Ernie the Attorney]
11:31:06 AM  Item-level permalink    

Lawyer: Accused Hezbollah member did not support group [CNN - LAW]

Hammoud, 28, and Chawki Hammoud, 37, are accused of helping run a ring that smuggled cheap North Carolina cigarettes to Michigan for resale without paying that state's higher taxes. The government says some profits were redirected to Hezbollah.

The government also says the alleged cigarette conspiracy was linked to a separate effort to procure equipment from the United States and Canada to be sent to Hezbollah for possible military and terrorist uses.

Mohamad Hammoud is accused of sending $3,500 to a Hezbollah military commander in 1999.

10:30:00 AM  Item-level permalink    

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