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Day level permalink June 11, 2002

Xbox hackers release media player. Programmers posting on an Xbox hacker site say they have developed an "Xbox Media Player" that allows people to play videos in the VCD format used in bootleg versions. [CNET]

This is important, because what made the IBM PC (and at the same time MS-DOS) popular was that it would be open.  Unlike the MAC, hackers were able to create the programs for it.  IBM the elephant would not have created the NORTON UTILITIES, the little mouse Peter Norton did, and so it goes.  The X-BOX will surprise everyone if the 'killer app' comes from a hacker.

10:22:59 PM  Item-level permalink    

Powell: Bush Palestinian Plan Due. (AP World News) President Bush soon will tell the nation how he intends to secure a state for the Palestinians, Secretary of State Colin Powell said Tuesday. Before that, however, he probably will hear another Arab demand, this time from Saudi Arabia's foreign minister, that statehood should come quickly. [Palestine & Israel News]
10:15:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

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