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Day level permalink June 6, 2002

RedKingca messages in:  Here's an interesting way to secure an Internet-connected computer against intruders: Make sure the operating system and software it runs are so old that current hacking tools won't work on it. Imagine your local script kiddie trying to crack a box running an operating system and server software he's never seen before, about which no information is available in the usual online hacker hangouts. Chances are, he's going to move on to an easier target. [ The Register ]
7:26:22 AM  Item-level permalink    

Study finds students keep school computers running, and teachers need more tech training.  Students might be able to teach their teachers a thing or two about technology.  When it comes to keeping computers running, many school districts rely on students, according to a study by the National School Boards Foundation. [ ]

7:09:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

A controversial Annapolis Valley-based interactive video-conferencing site is making waves on the Internet - and also in its hometown of Windsor Nova Scotia Canada.
Interactive Playmates, which allows customers to chat with young, female models, but provides "no adult content," is a huge hit, according to the two young Valley-based entrepreneurs behind the operation. Only one problem: they feel the Town of Windsor, where they hope to achieve Internet fame and fortune, is threatening to shut them down, an allegation a town official denies.

"We are being held back because of local bylaws and discriminatory public opinion," co-owner Nicole Hunter, 27, said Friday.  [ ]

7:05:52 AM  Item-level permalink    

Israelis surround Arafat compound after bomber kills 17. (StarTribune: Nation/World) JERUSALEM -- Israeli tanks and armored vehicles surrounded Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's compound in the West Bank town of Ramallah early today after a suicide car bombing in Israel on Wednesday killed 17 passengers on a bus, most of them soldiers. [Palestine & Israel News]
6:40:55 AM  Item-level permalink    

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