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Day level permalink June 25, 2002

Microsoft Corp. has disclosed an ambitious new project to improve security by creating within its Windows software a virtual "vault" where customers would conduct electronic transactions and store sensitive information.

The effort, called "Palladium," would require consumers to buy new computers and other devices equipped with ultra-secure computer chips from Intel Corp. and Advanced Micro Devices Inc., which already are involved in the project, or other companies. [ CNN ]

11:07:16 AM  Item-level permalink    


A search of a Sarajevo office of the Saudi High Commission for Relief turned up anti-Semitic and anti-American videotapes and children's pamphlets as well as maps of Washington and photos of U.S. military installations. A raid this month on the offices of Al-Haramain netted tapes calling for attacks on foreign peacekeepers, said Sylvester. One recurring theme: the tale of the "poison roast," in which Jews invite Islamic children to a deadly feast. "Why are they teaching Bosnian children to hate America?" he asked. (Saudi officials denied knowledge of this material.) Raids on Benevolence, where another of the suspects worked, turned up correspondence between Enaam Arnaout and Osama bin Laden dating back to the 1980s, as well as photos of the two men.

These guys need to listen to Bush's speech again.

10:53:34 AM  Item-level permalink    

Syrian Civil Liberties Union
Damascus' dictatorship may be one of the most oppressive in the world, but the Jerusalem Post reports that in at least one respect, the Syrians' definition of "free expression" is so expansive it'd probably make even the ACLU blush:

Asked by a reporter if Syria supports the Palestinian suicide attacks, [Syria's Foreign Minister Farouk] Shara said: "Those people have the right for expression, to express their political opinion, and I'm sure you don't mean to deprive them of their political right."

[ Opinion Journal ]

9:02:55 AM  Item-level permalink    

CNN, under withering attack in Israel in the wake of Ted Turner's boneheaded comments last week, puts anti-Israeli terror in perspective:

One of every 26,392 Israelis has been killed in a terrorist attack in the past six months. The same ratio applied to the population of the United States would equate to 10,888 American citizens. That's more than three times the number of people killed in the September 11 attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and aboard United Airlines Flight 93.

[ Opinion Journal ]

8:59:52 AM  Item-level permalink    

AOL Suffers a Setback in Cable Deal. AOL Time Warner, the world's biggest media company, said that it had lost control of cable television systems serving more than two million customers. By Seth Schiesel with Geraldine Fabrikant. [New York Times: Technology]
8:53:23 AM  Item-level permalink    

India Tech: What's the Matter U?. The Indian Institute of Technology's reputation for filling key jobs from Bangalore to Silicon Valley is well earned. But that was then, this is now. Ashutosh Sinha reports from New Delhi. [Wired News]
8:48:37 AM  Item-level permalink    

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