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Day level permalink July 1, 2002

Dumb Criminal of the Day
A 57-year-old Greenfield, Wis., man who tried to rob a store at knifepoint wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. His target was a gun store! The owner shot and wounded him. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel describes the would-be robber as "the victim."  [ OpinionJournal ]
3:01:12 PM  Item-level permalink    

TRYING TO TAKE its computing on demand initiative a giant step forward, IBM on Monday (July 1) rolled out an Internet-based service that allows Linux users to access the amount of processing power and other technical resources they need on a utility basis.[ InfoWorld ]
8:22:37 AM  Item-level permalink    

Independent online music company said on Monday it had clinched a licensing deal with Universal Music, becoming the first Internet song provider to feature content from the five major record labels.

Under the latest deal, Universal Music, a unit of media giant Vivendi Universal, will make its digital catalog of titles available to Listen's Rhapsody service.

8:16:03 AM  Item-level permalink    

Hamas Vows to Avenge Leader's Death. (AP World News) Hamas extremists promised Monday to avenge Israel's assassination of a senior West Bank bombmaker for the Islamic militant group who Israel said was responsible for the deaths of nearly 120 people. [Palestine & Israel News]
8:11:43 AM  Item-level permalink    

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