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Day level permalink July 23, 2002

Israeli air strike kills Hamas leader, at least 14 others in Gaza City.  An Israeli warplane fired a missile that flattened a Gaza City apartment building early Tuesday, killing Salah Shehadeh, 48, a founder and the top commander of Hamas' military wing, known as Izzadine el-Qassam and at least 14 other Palestinians, including nine children, Palestinians said. [ International Herald Daily ]

This Salah Shehadeh is the same Hamas leader that said that suicide attacks against Israel would continue, despite stepped up efforts to stop them by Arab countries and the Palestinian Authority.

1:05:44 PM  Item-level permalink    

Self-Publish Stigma Is Perishing. Major houses gobble up rights after authors create a buzz for their work. Also: Book clubs that work for business ... and more in M.J. Rose's notebook. [Wired News]
11:53:15 AM  Item-level permalink    

Motorola plans to Mickey Mouse around. Walt Disney teams with Motorola to produce a line of consumer electronics featuring popular cartoon characters aimed at the kiddie market. [CNET]
11:25:14 AM  Item-level permalink    

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