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Day level permalink July 7, 2002

San Bernardino County Sheriff's deputies arrested a 34-year-old man on charges of attempted murder after he allegedly shot his girlfriend and held her in a garage for nearly a week while he treated her wounds, a spokeswoman for the sheriff's department said Sunday.  "CNN"

Hey, he really believed that time heals all wounds.

10:39:25 PM  Item-level permalink    

The Christian Science Monitor calls for protection of the Palestinians.  Especially if they have fair and free elections.  The article talks about how in:

January 1996, Mr. Amayreh and all other residents of the West Bank and Gaza participated in a vote which met international criteria of "free and fair elections." 


Even Cuba can meet "international criteria".  GET REAL!  Every one who can read and see knows that in 1996 the elections were a fraud.  The sole opponent was in fact, social worker Samiha Khalil, a 70 year old woman.  She was a nice person, but she had no constituency.  Unless a plausible person, someone with political experience, steps forward the election will once again be a fraud.  It is interesting to note that although Samiha Khalil was not well known or a politician, she did get 10% of the vote.  Imagine what would have happened if Yasser hadn't rigged it.

Samirha Khalil

10:32:04 PM  Item-level permalink    

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