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Day level permalink July 17, 2002

Health officials are keeping a close eye on the incidence of West Nile virus in Louisiana after four new cases were confirmed this week, bringing the number to seven this year.

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta confirmed this week that a 34-year-old woman and three men, ages 17, 62 and 76, had the mosquito-borne virus. 

Mosquitoes spread West Nile from infected birds to humans, who can then develop deadly encephalitis, or swelling of the brain. Humans cannot pass the virus to each other. Symptoms are similar to the flu, including fatigue and fever. There is no cure for the virus.  [ ]

8:16:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

Symantec Corp., a leading Internet security firm, announced plans Wednesday to acquire three other security firms for $355 million in cash, placing itself in a powerful position in a competitive and fast-growing market.

I worked for Symantec during the "acquire everything" stage.  In fact I was acquired when they bought Delrina. It was very difficult and costly to digest the companies.  Sometimes it almost brought the company down.  The real trick is to find out (or guess) where Microsoft will not play and capitalize on that.  Symantec was great at that.  Anti virus, disk utilities, contact software and now security. 

8:09:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

Why the activities of oilman George W. Bush in the 1980s and 1990s should be a matter of headlines now is something of a mystery. The mystery isn't what actually happened. It is clear that in the course of making roughly $16 million, Bush flouted securities laws, rode roughshod over the rights of others and found protection among his father's friends. (Bush's memory is fuzzy on some of the details.)
(The mystery is) why the watchdog media didn't bark during the 2000 presidential election, when new unflattering evidence emerged in the month before the vote. [ ]
12:23:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

Frank Lindh, father of jihadi jailbird John Walker Lindh, really ought to swear off public speaking. Every time he opens his mouth, something stupid comes out. Yesterday, after his son had pleaded guilty, the elder Lindh dared liken him to a statesman: "Nelson Mandela served 26 years in prison. He's a good man, like John. Some day I hope--I hope that the government will come around even further and say that even 20 years is wrong for this boy."

The Washington Post notes that Frank Lindh also said of the Marin mujahid: "Never, in all the interrogations . . . did John ever say anything against the United States--never once. Not one word. John loves America, and we love America. God bless America." But the fanatic's father told a different story back in December, when we noted this, from a Newsweek report:

When the U.S.S. Cole was bombed as it refueled in the Yemeni port of Aden in October of 2000, killing 17 U.S. sailors, father and son had an uncomfortable e-mail exchange. Frank says he was upset that the dead sailors were the same age as his son. John seemed to have a more casual view of the attack, which U.S. authorities blamed on operatives of Osama bin Laden. He suggested that the U.S. ship should never have been there in the first place, and that by docking in an Islamic country, had committed an "act of war." The bombing, John implied, was a justified response. Lindh says he was "concerned" by his son's views, but felt that since John was an adult, there was little he could do to change them. "It was clear he had developed a different point of view," says Lindh. "My days of molding him were over."

Then there's this, from an earlier Newsweek piece:

When asked if he supported the September 11 attacks, [John Walker Lindh] hesitated. "That requires a pretty long and complicated explanation. I haven't eaten for two or three days, and my mind is not really in shape to give you a coherent answer." When pressed, he said, "Yes, I supported it."

And of course John himself admits, in the "statement of facts" that he signed as part of his plea agreement (links in PDF form), that he "traveled to the al-Farooq training camp, a facility associated with Usama Bin Laden," and "participated fully in its training activities, including courses in weapons, orienteering, navigation, explosives and battlefield combat."

That John Walker Lindh is a criminal is not his father's fault, and one can sympathize with a parent whose child has gone bad. But Frank Lindh's efforts to wrap his son in the flag are an affront to common sense and good taste.

11:48:00 AM  Item-level permalink    

MSN previews next Net service. In its never-ending campaign for the Internet crown, Microsoft is showing off a test version of MSN 8.0, its latest service to take on industry rivals America Online and Yahoo. [CNET]
11:32:43 AM  Item-level permalink    

Vice President Powell? ( George Bush just had a bad week. He met with the news media to talk about restoring investor confidence and instead wound up taking questions about his own sale of stock in an energy company. He gave a speech to Wall Street on reforming corporate America and the stock market continued to tank. [Daypop Top News Stories]
11:30:42 AM  Item-level permalink    

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