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Day level permalink July 24, 2002

Snakeheads, the razor-toothed Asian fish that can walk on land and has attacked humans, have been reported across the southern United States, the Interior Department has warned.

The largest species of the bizarre freshwater fish, which can grow to four feet long (1.2 meters), has been found in open waters in Florida. In addition, illegal live snakeheads have been confiscated in Texas, Alabama, and Kentucky and are being sold over the Internet, the agency said.

"These fish are like something from a bad horror movie," said Interior Secretary Gale Norton. "They eat virtually any small animal in their path. They can travel across land and live out of water for at least three days. They reproduce quickly."

The Bush administration is seeking to ban the importation and interstate transportation of live snakeheads, which are eaten as a delicacy in Asia. Possession of the voracious fish is already outlawed in 13 states, including Georgia, Florida, and Texas.


3:15:19 PM  Item-level permalink    

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