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Day level permalink July 21, 2002

Last week, some of America's most influential technology executives wrote a let's-be-pals letter to the heads of the entertainment industry. Surely, said the CEOs of Microsoft, Intel and other companies, we can find a way to protect copyrighted material from rampant unauthorized copying without stifling innovation and destroying customers' basic rights. The story  by Dan Gilmore here at The Mercury News .

11:52:59 AM  Item-level permalink    

A man detained by U.S. authorities for carrying allegedly phony checks totaling $12 million as he arrived in Detroit is a wealthy computer salesman with no ties to any militant group, his Jordanian brother and an acquaintance said Sunday.

That's his story and he is sticking to it...

11:47:20 AM  Item-level permalink    

Israeli train attacked after high level talks. (Stuff: World News) JERUSALEM: A bomb exploded under an Israeli rush-hour passenger train today, but its wounded driver was the only casualty of the suspected Palestinian attack that followed high-level Israeli-Palestinian talks. [Palestine & Israel News]
11:42:07 AM  Item-level permalink    

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