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Day level permalink July 28, 2002

A draft U.N. report has found that U.S. might have covered up evidence relating to the bombing of an Afghan wedding party earlier this month that killed about 50 people, the London Times reported on Monday.

The newspaper said the preliminary report found no corroboration of U.S. claims that its aircraft had launched a retaliatory attack after being fired upon. It had also found other discrepancies in U.S. accounts of what happened. [ Reuters Alertnet ]

9:43:03 PM  Item-level permalink    

A 13-year-old Palestinian girl was killed, and 21 Palestinians and 15 Israeli policemen were wounded in clashes Sunday between armed settlers and Palestinians in the West Bank town of Hebron, Palestinian and Israeli sources said.
9:40:53 PM  Item-level permalink    

Nine Pennsylvania coal miners trapped for three days in a flooded mine traveled one by one to safety on Sunday in a cramped yellow rescue cage hauled up from the shaft 240 feet underground. [ ]
5:02:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

Zacarias Moussaoui attempted to plead guilty to terrorism charges Thursday, but under the pressure of routine questioning by a federal judge, the accused September 11 conspirator withdrew his plea and set himself back on track for a fall trial. [ ]
5:00:43 PM  Item-level permalink    

The mother of Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person charged in connection to the September 11 terror attacks, has blamed the British government for allowing extremism to be preached in the country's mosques. [ ]
4:58:50 PM  Item-level permalink    

Study: Palestinian Kids Malnourished. (AP Health) Nearly one-third of young Palestinian children are chronically malnourished - more than four times as many as before fighting erupted with Israel, according to a study commissioned by the U.S. foreign aid agency. [Palestine & Israel News]
4:50:56 PM  Item-level permalink    

Clinton Rejects Blame in Corporate Crisis, Criticizes Bush on Mideast ( Former president Bill Clinton has chastised the Bush administration for suggesting he bears part of the blame for the corporate accounting scandals and said President Bush made a mistake with his first-year Middle East policy. [Daypop Top News Stories]
4:48:57 PM  Item-level permalink    

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