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Day level permalink June 9, 2002

A Catholic cardinal who some believe may become the next pope has accused the U.S. media of using tactics reminiscent more of Stalin, Hitler and two brutal Roman emperors than of objective journalists covering the church's recent pedophilia scandals, according to an interview in an upcoming issue of an Italian Catholic magazine. [ United Press International ]

"The media's motivation, according to the Rodriguez Maradiaga interview, is to strike back at the church for its opposition to abortion, capital punishment and euthanasia -- all of which are legal in the United States -- and for its support for the creation of a Palestinian homeland."

Yep, it's all someone elses fault.

12:54:18 PM  Item-level permalink    

The Roman Catholic Church has removed 218 priests from their positions this year because of allegations of child sexual abuse, but at least 34 known offenders remain in church jobs, according to a survey of Catholic dioceses across the United States by The Washington Post.

12:40:23 PM  Item-level permalink    

9 Killed as Sharon Heads to U.S.. (AP World News) In a series of deadly episodes Saturday in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Palestinian gunmen killed a pregnant woman and two others at an Israeli settlement, and at least six armed Palestinians died - two in an attack on another settlement. [Palestine & Israel News]
12:34:11 PM  Item-level permalink    

EGYPTIAN PREZ WAVERS IN SUPPORT OF ARAFAT. (NY Post: World) Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak yesterday became the first Arab leader to question Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's ability to end the violence and forge peace with Israel, as President Bush said he is not ready to set a timetable for a new Palestinian state. [Palestine & Israel News]
12:32:01 PM  Item-level permalink    

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