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Day level permalink June 18, 2002

Napster clone in settlement on music use

The recording industry scored another victory over illicit online music-swapping services Monday, reaching a swift out-of-court settlement with Audiogalaxy that requires the ``Napster-like clone'' to halt unauthorized music trades.

10:56:13 AM  Item-level permalink    

A 12-year-old boy will face a charge of juvenile manslaughter in the shooting death of an 8-year-old boy.  The grandmother left the two alone while she went to an appointment. While she was gone, police say, the shooting occurred inside the ground-floor apartment. [ ]

10:45:48 AM  Item-level permalink    

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon pauses near the bombed bus.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon pauses near the bombed bus.

A Palestinian man detonated nail-studded explosives on a Jerusalem bus crowded with high school students and office workers Tuesday, killing himself and 19 passengers in the city's deadliest suicide attack in six years. Fifty-five people were wounded. The attack came as President Bush prepared to make a major Mideast policy statement. [ ]


White House condemns Jerusalem attack as peace plan prepared  - Nando Times
Powell may go to Mideast.  - Atlanta Journal Constitution
Twenty dead in terror attack on Jerusalem bus  - Toronto Globe And Mail
Jerusalem Bus Bombing Kills 20  - Miami Herald

10:10:18 AM  Item-level permalink    

Lindh's Chutzpah
Like the man who kills his parents and pleads for mercy because he's an orphan, Marin mujahid John Walker Lindh is petitioning the court to dismiss the charges against him, arguing that he can't get a fair trial anywhere in America--the country against which he took up arms.

Meanwhile, Lindh has changed the story of his capture in Afghanistan. The New York Times describes an account that appears in a motion Lindh's lawyers filed last week:

[The lawyers] began their narrative with Mr. Lindh's unit in retreat from advancing Northern Alliance soldiers. . . . The unit eventually negotiated a surrender to the Northern Alliance at the Qala Jangi fortress outside Mazar-i-Sharif, but when a grenade went off unexpectedly, the captors drove their captives into a basement. To torment the unit, the captors dropped grenades down the air ducts, just missing Mr. Lindh, who was crouched in a corner. The prisoners were later brought up one by one and interrogated, and, the lawyers said, the American interrogators did not identify themselves as Americans.

But here's the account Lindh gave in a December Newsweek interview (the magazine identified him by his adopted Muslim name, Abdul Hamid):

Hamid said he had been fighting with the Taliban during the two-week siege of the city of Konduz, about 100 miles to the east of Mazar e Sharif. Finally, under a negotiated deal, the foreign Taliban forces surrendered to the Northern Alliance forces of Gen. Rashid Dostum. But almost as soon as Hamid and about 500 others were taken to the fortress. "Two of the [Taliban] threw grenades they had hidden in their clothes, and killed a couple of people," Hamid says.

"After that they put us in the basement and left us over night. Early in the morning, they began taking us out, slowly, one-by-one, into the compound. Our hands were tied, and they were beating and kicking some of us. Some of the Mujahedin [Taliban] were scared, crying. They thought we were all going to be killed.

"I saw two Americans there. They were taking pictures with a digital camera and a video camera. They were there for interrogating us."

Interesting, isn't it, that the grenades the Taliban threw now "went off unexpectedly" and that Lindh now didn't know his interrogators were America. [ OpinionJournal ]

9:45:38 AM  Item-level permalink    

Found on  BILL HOBBS, who owns this story, has an update on the case of Paul Trummel, who was jailed because a judge didn't like his website and ruled that the First Amendment doesn't apply to people who aren't paid journalists.

I'm astounded -- and disappointed -- that this case hasn't gotten more attention. It's actually a worse First Amendment violation than the Vanessa Leggett case. Is it just that this doesn't offer an opportunity to criticize Ashcroft?

9:14:34 AM  Item-level permalink    

U.S. Criticizes Israel's New Electronic Fence Along West Bank. (New York Times: International News) As President Bush polished his new peace proposals, the U.S. warned that Israel's fence should not constitute unilateral declaration of a border. [Palestine & Israel News]
8:14:28 AM  Item-level permalink    

eBay opens bidding on The online auction giant and the traditional auction house have opened their joint Web site, stocked with pricey goods and special collections. [CNET]
8:09:18 AM  Item-level permalink    

Video Game That's Good For You (CBS) It isn’t the same old gym class any more. Now, kids weigh more and move less, so a California school has tailored its physical education program to students who would rather play a video game than chase a ball. It's fun, effective, and it's probably nothing like any gym class you've ever seen. [Daypop Top News Stories]
8:00:49 AM  Item-level permalink    

Disney Shifting to Linux for Film Animation. The Walt Disney Company, the doyen of animation studios, is joining Hollywood's embrace of a technological upstart — the GNU Linux operating system. By Steve Lohr. [New York Times: Technology]
7:57:52 AM  Item-level permalink    

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