News, resources, info and links on Macromedia MX, with a focus on Macromedia Flash MX
  from the Macromedia Flash Community Manager.

Monday, May 20, 2002

Happy Birthday to Flazoom

Happy (belated) Birthday to Flazoom. One of the first Flash oriented weblogs, and one of the best sites for information on Flash usability.

12:45:28 PM    comment []  Google It!  

Server Side Proxies for Macromedia XML Resource Feed

Jarle, from jdb cyberspace, has put up some examples showing how to create simple server side proxies in order to allow you to load the Macromedia XML Resource feed directly into Flash. He has examples in PHP, ASP, JSP, Python and Perl.

You can view the examples here.

12:39:10 PM    comment []  Google It!  

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