Updated: 10/1/2002; 11:12:12 PM
Off Topic: Shawn Dodd's Weblog What Shawn thinks about Technology and Public Policy |
Tuesday, September 17, 2002
Exclusive Arrangements Business Week nails the analysis of why the Internet is stalled. The roll-out of broadband to the home is slowing due to a pricing problem and not a services problem. [John Robb's Radio Weblog]
John Robb points out a problem "Stuckist" Internet services will have to overcome. I hadn't heard this one. Telco incumbents have exclusive contracts or agreements with local governments and/or benefit from exclusionary laws in certain geographies. Perhaps this can be treated as a anti-trust concern?
Community-based efforts to provide Internet access (be it via fiber to the curb or unlicensed spectrum) must be allowed to compete with commercial providers. 6:36:43 PM
Copyright 2002 © Shawn Dodd
This is my blogchalk: United States, Texas, Austin, North Austin, English, Shawn, Male, 26-30.