Saturday, March 01, 2003 |
Radio Stations Learn From Online Music Sharers. Well, the music industry has gotten one step closer to realizing the power of music sharing, but are still missing the point. The company BigChampagne, that tracks what files people are trading over file sharing networks (usually so the RIAA can throw up stats and whine about their problems) is now offering that data to radio stations as someone had the bright idea, "hey, the music that people are sharing online might be the stuff that people really like - instead of the awful music that we play." Of course, while the industry is suddenly realizing how helpful file sharing systems are as a research tool, they're still trying to shut them down.
This at least shows a little creativity. [Techdirt] [A Man with a Ph.D. - Richard Gayle's Weblog]
Richard always has good stuff
10:00:31 AM
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