Thursday, March 13, 2003 |
Harvard Medical School: EVOLVING A MOB: WIRELESS COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE "Based on experiences with Hiptop Nation, it appears that by having ubiquitous mobile data communication devices and a successful communal blog, it is possible to create an ideal environment within which a smart mob can grow into a goal-oriented mobile community of practice. Communal blogs play a critical role in the creation of three essential elements of community: the establishment of social capital, the creation of weak ties that foster creativity, and the formation of a sense of "place" within which everything can happen. The final crucial ingredient is a complex goal." [Note: PDF, 170Kb] http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/lester_hci_2003.pdf
7:53:53 AM
At the heart of BP's knowledge framework is the idea that it is people and not documents that are important. At BP you search for the person that may have the information that you need. The project required a massive piece of custom software with personal webpage templates and a search engine. Here is a new piece of software that can apparently operate out of the box that will enable you to take this route.
Any thoughts - I find it a bit corporate?. The BP world is much more engaging and personal and I bet that this makes a difference. The BP world also is based on shifting the culture toward collaboration as a first step. This implies that all you ned is the tool
7:51:56 AM
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