Friday, September 6, 2002
As announced recently on the Aloha Friday show on KKUP radio from Cupertino, CA, the University of Hawaii at Hilo has begun to offer Hawaiian language classes online, complete with audible pronunciations. Aloha, You've Got Hawaiian 101, by Michelle Delio. [Wired News]
4:13:49 PM
Is it comforting to know that it's not just us? Apparently residents of the United Kingdom are losing rights as fast as we are in the U. S. of A. BBC reports that terror laws 'eat away at privacy'. "The post-11 September world is one without privacy rights and technology is playing a huge part in their erosion[product] a report has found." [BBC News | TECHNOLOGY]
4:12:16 PM
Windows not engineered for security--D'oh!
Microsoft's VP for Windows development admits that the company's "products just aren't engineered for security." This, of course, would explain a lot. See this InfoWorld article for more food for thought.
3:44:21 PM
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