Friday, September 13, 2002
Digital wazoo?
Doc Searls lets loose with a rant about M$, DRM, Intel, et alia, that I won't try to summarize. Just read it, and feel the rage.
9:47:11 AM
ACM looks at Florida's voting machine mess
Florida did it again, but this time it's the design and testing of electronic voting machines that's in question. Dan Gillmor provided the link to this article at The Risks Digest, a web site from ACM's Committee on Computers and Public Policy. The author provides a careful analysis of what went wrong, and what could have been done to prevent it--but wasn't, in part due to "trade secret" concerns. Usability testing apparently hasn't found its way into government, which should tell us something about government's attitude toward its users, er, citizens.
9:25:45 AM
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