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Electronic Freedom Foundation



  Saturday, September 28, 2002


"Living is not necessary; navigation is."

Pompey, born this day 106 B.C.


12:54:53 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Follow-up on Jason's blog re: Tara--

Jason Lefkowitz says:

Thanks for the note!  I definitely agree about the importance of finding ways for candidates to break through the barriers of flaky district borders and other such impediments.  It's heartening to see that at least a few people are pushing on the issue.  Even if Tara doesn't win, she'll have done a great public service just by getting people to start thinking about these issues.

I'm putting together a wrap-up of the feedback I've received to run on my blog at; I'll be sure to include a link back to your blog in the piece.

Thanks again!

-- Jason

Cool--I can't wait for someone to finally link to my blog! BTW, the subtitle to Jason's blog ("I'm not confused. I'm just well-mixed.") reminds me of a favorite line, Jessica Rabbit's tag: "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way."

11:40:26 AM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

KPMG challenges Hollywood's strategies

KPMG, the big consulting company, released a report that confirms what many of us have been saying for months: Hollywood's demands for draconian legislation out of Congress amounts to legislative protection of outdated business models.

Hollywood--represented by the RIAA and MPAA--can't figure out how to adapt to new models of business over the Internet. Instead, they want to legislate protection of the old ways. Congress didn't protect buggy-whip manufacturers, nor slide-rule makers. They shouldn't protect Hollywood.

Here's what Tara has to say:

"Companies are failing to develop proactive strategies to recognize and leverage their online intellectual property assets. A full 57 percent of media execs say their firms do not even have a process for classifying online intellectual property." The Digital Challenge:  Are You Prepared, KPMG International.

According to this study, media companies have not taken stock of their digital assets and have no realistic business strategy.  "Most respondents admit they do not have a formal review process aimed at deciding if particular content amounts to intellectual property, what protection it merits, and what strategies they can pursue to maximize online revenue distribution. (page 6)

KPMG offers the services media companies need to deal with their online problems including protection advice, fraud investigation and counterfeit sourcing and litigation/legal representation to name a few. Evidently, it is easier to pay off the congressmen in the hip pocket than utilize tools already available.  Evidently, our legislators are willing to throw our justice system out the back door in favor of satisfying a corporate sponsor. These old school politics must go if we ever expect to see a free, flourishing market that meets the needs for today. 

What this amounts to is cheap laziness.  Hollywood tactics are as dated as our congressmen ('s).  Instead of gripping their problems "at the board level" they choose to cash in their campaign contributions on two lap dogs.  They have not developed a valid strategy to meet and compete in today's market.  And if they get their way, they'll never have to.

Cheers to KPMG for bringing their market to the table.  That is what capitalism is all about my friends--answering problems with service, not legislation. [Tara Sue's Weblog News]

Doc chimes in with his thoughts on the KPMG report, along with a link to Reuters' piece on the subject. I just tried to get the report from KPMG's site, which looks like hell--wonder if it's been Slashdotted? Here's a link to the PDF.

11:21:43 AM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []


"I have learned to use the word 'impossible' with the greatest caution."

Wernher von Braun.  [Quotes of the Day]

Historical note: Wernher von Braun, who spearheaded development of the V1 and V2 for Germany during WWII, subsequently engineered missile development for the U.S. My father's first job out of college (CalTech) was with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), testing missiles for the Army. He worked with von Braun at one time or another, eventually moving into the nascent satellite program (Explorer I).

11:00:17 AM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Science and beauty

"Here They Are, Science's 10 Most Beautiful Experiments" [Daypop Top 40] I'm sure you have youre favorites. As much as I appreciate the slit experiment demonstrating the wave nature of light, my personal favorite is Millikan's oil-drop experiment. I remember watching a film of it in high school physics class, fascinated by the tiny drops of oil suspended in air, moving up or down at Millikan's whim, demonstrating that electrons come in unitary charges--no fractions! Here's the link to the New York Times article.

10:48:20 AM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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