Friday, August 13, 2004
Hurricane's Winds, Flood Waters Lash Fla. (AP).
AP - A stronger-than-expected Hurricane Charley roared ashore Friday as
a dangerous Category 4 storm, slamming the heavily populated Gulf Coast
with devastating storm surges and 145 mph wind that snapped trees in
half, ripped roofs off buildings and knocked out power to hundreds of
thousands of people. [ Yahoo! News - Top Stories]
Folks on the east coast wonder how we put up with drought and fires and
earthquakes. We wonder how they put up with blizzards and locusts and
hurricanes. At least with hurricanes, you get some warning: these days,
you can watch them coming for hours and days on the Weather Channel.
Major earthquakes, while hitting years apart, give virtually no warning
-- maybe a second or two of rattling before the big jolt.
I sailed through a dying hurricane in the Tasman Sea in 1980. We were
hove to for 36 hours because it was just too rough to sail. Top winds
then were 65 knots, with many hours at 55 knots. A smaller boat went
down with four sailors, including its designer/builder, on board, just
a few miles from us.
Let's be grateful that, despite the damage, there were few lives lost to Charley.
9:47:34 PM
WordCount is an interactive
graphical presentation of the 86,800 most common English words, in
order. Look for words by rank or by specifying the word; look for
unexpected juxtapositions; look for random poetry.
For instance, "war" ranks #304, "love" ranks #384, but "hate" is #3107.
Discovered via Brand Autopsy.
8:39:27 PM
And Happy Birthday to:
- Annie Oakley
- Alfred Hitchcock
- Bert Lahr
- George Shearing
- Fidel Castro
- Don Ho
- Quinn Cummings
- and me.
Also on this day in history:
- The Battle of Britain began, 1940
- Construction of the Berlin Wall began, 1961
- PeopleSoft was founded, 1987.
10:06:53 AM
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Last update: 5/21/05; 10:22:59 PM.
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